Audrey MacNamara Sheldon

My mission is to create a sacred space that is steeped in the practices of non-judgement, non-harming, humility, respect of ourselves and others as well as unconditional love and compassion for all living beings. This is a space to learn sincere gratitude for the being that you truly are, and to cu

Embracing the Chaos


I sat in the chilly air to drink my coffee and listen. A morning ritual of connecting with my Ancestors and the Spirits of the land. Today things feel different as I experience the social unrest. I hear the pain, it is palpable in the air and I can feel it in my heart. I have witnessed being sad, anxious and strangely excited by it all. I closed my eyes and heard “Embrace the Chaos” along with the birds and the breeze. 

In my mind's eye I was shown a pool of blood. Unresolved wounds from our past asking to be healed. What we are experiencing is natural. A response to an imbalance and lack of respect that has been lingering with us for centuries. Nature will always find a way to come correct and balance the scales. I find it eye opening where my mind goes. Attachment to how the city that I call home has been vandalized, it won’t be as beautiful as I have grown accustomed to. Its wrapping paper and bow have been ripped to pieces and I see myself judging it. More concerned with my comfort then what is actually being expressed. I see myself justifying my feelings by sympathising with the small business owners that must now deal with the aftermath. I have become comfortable with the growth that this city has made, the prosperity it exhibits and the opportunities it provides. Funny I don’t see this chapter as growth right away. 


Being more concerned with the comfort and beauty is part of the issue and I can take responsibility for that. As I dive a little deeper it is connected to what is being called white privilege. I can recognize that. I don’t know what it’s like to be a person of color in this country. It hasn’t been my path to experience that in this lifetime. There is no doubt I can’t even begin to fully comprehend the pain of those that have experienced prejudice, genocide, bigotry, or the theft of my culture and sacred lands. I am by today's standard very privileged and I’m clearly white. It totally fits.  It isn’t my story to carry shame about who I am or where I come from. I don’t and I won’t. However, I do realize that it means there are things I don’t comprehend.

As I received this insight I also understood that for me to judge any part of what is happening would be to feed the original issue, the illusion of separation. Every one of the people that has taken to the streets in protest is me. Every looter that has stolen and smashed windows is me. Every cop that has protected or killed is me. Every leader that has failed or successfully led their nation is me. For me to judge any of it is to judge myself. We are seeing what has been bubbling under the surface for as long as we can remember. This is the perfect storm. All the ideal circumstances to create enough pressure for everyone to finally decide enough is enough. I honor what is happening and offer gratitude as it is what it is.

My story is that we can’t be on the wrong path, it’s impossible. It may not look the way we want and it may not be comfortable to see what we have brought into reality but we made this. All of us. Finger pointing and blaming will only create more of what we are resisting. If that is what we choose that is our choice and is fine. It seems we are asking for something different as a collective. However, too get a different result we must take a different action. What if we embraced what is happening with compassionate courage? What if we took responsibility for our part in supporting the story of separation no matter how justified we may have felt it was or is? Of course, you are welcome to throw this directly into the trash. But what if you didn’t? 

Photo by Audrey M Sheldon

Photo by Audrey M Sheldon

My intention is to hold safe and sacred space to honor what is. To take responsibility for my part.  Surrender to it. Look at it. See it. Feel it. Allow the heat of the flames and not walk away. My intention is to hold space for our collective highest and best, for a return to ourselves and remembering that we are all connected to each other and to the land. I play the drum, I burn the sage, I put my hands in the earth and I listen to the hearts of those that confide in me. I offer light and encouragement as well as a bit of hard truth when needed. The world needs each of us to hold a space large enough and powerful enough for all that is happening for the collective to evolve. We are ready to shift. Can you feel it? Now is the time. 


As Healers and Shamans I believe we are being asked to allow the chaos without judgement. It is our responsibility to our communities and ourselves to navigate in the darkness without fear. This is what we have been preparing for. To truly let go of our opinions and see the suffering that is being expressed in the world. A world acting from wounding and trauma. We are being asked to witness it. To listen to it. To allow it. And to love it unconditionally as it does what it must to find the path to wholeness. This requires something big. It means dropping all the reasons why we feel justified to forget everything we know at a time when that wisdom is needed the most. 

If you come away from this offended, forgive me. Forget you ever read this article and keep moving. Those that resonate with me, listen to your heart and do what you do. 

Sending Prayers to us all for liberation from suffering and separation. Thank you for taking the time to read this post. 

Sacred Objects: Working with Stones

Last week we talked about how to begin a relationship with stones and crystals. That blog post was received so well that I wanted to follow up by diving a little deeper into the subject. As I mentioned in the post Introduction to Working with Stones and Crystals the approach that I offer is one that points to learning to access our intuitive abilities. This article will continue this theme. To me it is a nessesary foundational practice that will support us in all aspects of our lives. 

In this article I want to talk about Stones specifically. The best way to begin the conversation is to introduce you the the stones that I work with daily. Talking a bit about them and how I came to carry them I feel will help to shed light on the qualities that stones carry that are unique to them. I also hope this information will help you notice how Stones show up in your life and how to hear what teachings they hold for you.

It is believed in some traditions that the Stones hold the archive of all of history in their being. They are the remains of our ancestors and speak to us from beyond time and space to teach us lessons that have been lost or forgotten. Wisdom once held sacred by those who walked in harmony with the Earth. Other teaching share that rubbing cornmeal on their surfaces will reveal hidden messages. One thing I know for sure is that they hold wisdom about how to come into harmony with the Earth. It is up to you to discover how that wisdom is expressed.  

Disclaimer: I want to say first that I am not a geologist, I’m not versed in the composition or formal names for different kinds of stones found locally or globally. For those that may read this that have more education in that area than myself forgive my ignorance. Feel free to add your wisdom in the comments, I am very receptive to learning more! 


Let us begin with the definition of Stone

The hard, solid, nonmetallic mineral matter of which rock is composed.

The photo above is a picture of the stones that I work with on a regular basis. I will share individual photos of each stone as well as the teachings and uses of each later in the article. But for now, I want to tell a story about how many of my sacred objects have come into my care. 

Personal Path

I walk the Shamans Path. This means I have been initiated into knowledge that permits me to walk between worlds and act as a guide, interpreter, facilitator and teacher for those that are called to work with me. My purpose is to remember who I truly am. I have committed my life to this call that I’ve been hearing since I was a child. In turn I share what I have learned along the way to help point those that wish to work with me back to themselves and the power they carry to reclaim the wisdom and knowledge of their unique expression of Spirit. What I share with you in this article comes from this path of initiation. I do not claim that it is THE way, it is a way, my way. If it resonates with you, that is wonderful. If it doesn’t I honor that and trust you will as well. We each have our own unique expression and role to play. First and foremost you must question and find out for yourself what is True. I offer this information as an opportunity to explore that Truth. Trust yourself. You know the way. 

Sacred Objects

In the facilitation work I do I have a lot of help. This help shows up as energies that I work with in Spirit such as the Ancestors, Guides and Spirit teachers. There are also the Sacred Objects that have found their way to me. These Sacred Objects have many purposes and uses. They are all teachers showing me how to use them, teaching me the qualities and guiding my Vision. The ability to listen through the heart is key to being receptive to what a Sacred Object has to share and learning to be receptive to this subtle communication in all its forms. This is a powerful and valuable practice.

Humans often fall into the delusion that we are the most evolved beings on this plane of existence. This belief robs us of the magic and knowledge that is flowing through all things. I invite you to open yourself and listen from the heart. You may be surprised by what you discover if you are willing to give it your attention and trust what you are hearing. 

The Stones

Each of these stones has a specific role to play and has taught me specific skills. They are my ally’s and I could not have learned the skills that I carry without them. They are extremely valuable to me. I hope that by reading this article you will recognize or discover the relationship you have with the stones in your life and celebrate them. Honor them. Give them gratitude. Ask them to share their secrets with you. At the end of this article I will offer a practice for honoring and learning to listen to the Stones in your life. 

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The Water Stone 

In all honesty I have no idea when this stone came to me. I have had it for close to 20 years. This is the stone that I bath with and has lived on the edge of my bathtub for as long. This stone asked to be used in my bathing rituals for the purpose of grounding and learning the sacred relationship between stones and water. When I bath with this stone it draws all the energy that doesn’t belong to me out and clears the water. This stone has been primarily for my personal use. The only time it has shown up in the healings is when I hear to suggest that people be open to incorporating a bathing stone into their personal practice. I haven’t learned all the wisdom that this stone carries. This rock has always been mysterious to me but my bond with it is strong. It speaks to a relationship with the sacred blood of Earth Mother, her streams, creeks and rivers. The fresh water veins flowing and how this sacred water carries emotions, cleansing, and is vital for our survival. 

The Cord Cutting Stone


I remember distinctly walking at Hagen Stone Park in Southeast Greensboro and hearing the call of this stone. I felt drawn to it and knew I had to take it home with me. I offered some hair in place of the stone on the trail. For a couple years the stone sat on my altar. I would spend time meditating with the stone and just sit and ponder what mysteries it had for me. Nothing would come, for years. It just sat there. I was perplexed by it. 

This stone has distinct edges on it, and has always felt like a tool of some sort. One day I was working with a client at the yoga studio facilitating a shamanic healing session and during this session the stone spoke to me. I was being asked to cut old outgrown energetic cords that were draining the energy of this particular client. I allowed my vision and the communication from the stone to guide my hand. It showed me how to move the stone in a certain way and over areas of the body to accomplish the task at hand. I had never done a cord cutting before so was learning as I was being shown. This is how I learned what this stone was to be used for in my work. 

This is a distinct example of how a Sacred Object has taught me one of the skills that I now carry. After my session with this client we were processing and what she shared with me validated the experience I had with the tool. Later in a Healing Circle with some of my closest co-journeyers one of the women shared a vision she had of this stone. What she said resonated with me deeply, like a remembering of that day I found it. She was able to see how my Spirit Guide led me to this stone specifically. At the time of its discovery I hadn’t yet become aware fully of the Guide that was to become my primary teacher in the Spirit World. An Ancestor that remains with me to this day. I will talk about him more in another article. 

I don’t think that it is everyone’s path to carry a tool like this. Cord cutting is a process that we are all able to do for ourselves and a tool in physical form isn’t a requirement by any means. It is just how I was initiated into the knowledge. Often the tools we acquire in the material world are physical manifestations of the skills and tools that we need in the Spirit Realm. Once we understand how to use them and work with the energies the physical object is no longer necessary. However, with that said this stone remains with me.


The Shaman Stones - Moqui Stones 

This pair of stones was gifted to me by my sister Artemis Balyless during a particularly difficult time in my life. They stood out to me as powerful ally’s in the work that I have been called to do. I always heard these stones tell me that they help to create the “Dream Journey” or Non-Ordinary Reality container that Shamanic work is done within. They have a place on every altar I create and in every session that I do. They are the space holders. They in essence hold the space for me. They carry a proud energy about them and project the frequency of groundedness while still being able to easily navigate the unseen realms. These two stones have taught me how to embrace my gifts. Trust the process and have courage. As any healer will tell you, it is rarely sunshine and butterflies when unearthing energy of old wounds. Remaining steadfast is imperative to people feeling safe to do the work they are asked to do. These stones are amazing at supporting my faith and helping me remain steady under any circumstances. 


The Grounding Stone

This is another stone that was gifted to me by one the most influential teachers I’ve ever had. He was my partner for almost 10 years and taught me more about walking the Shamanic Path than anything else in my life thus far. He is a naturalist, a Shaman, a Warrior and a Wolf. The lessons he shared were about facing my fear of death, of loss and the power that these two things can have over me. He taught me inner strength founded on navigating the tangled web of attachment and truth, light and dark, my need for approval and trusting my own unique path. Ultimately what I learned from him was how to remain grounded in my own being and to develop the necessary qualities and characteristics to support the path I am called to. This doesn’t need to be approved of by anyone and where I have misdirected my need for acceptance it helped me to take responsibility for accepting myself. This stone embodies all this for me. When it was gifted to me I knew I had stepped into fuller expression of myself and in turn also validated the magical yet wildly difficult experiences that led me to it. 

I give this stone to clients when they come out of a meditative state after a dreaming or reiki session. It immediately brings them back to themselves in body, mind and spirit. This stone was once a tool used by indigenous people of Missouri and carrys the markings of this work. If you feel that a grounding stone would be beneficial for you, once again I encourage you to ask for your grounding stone to come forward. Trust that it will. What does grounding mean for you? Asking this question could be the path to finding the teacher that can shed light on the answer. 

Common Theme

As you read this article you may notice a theme that runs through the story of each Stone. Grounding. Rocks and Stones are inherently grounding. They are heavy, dense and hard. Each has a different way of teaching us to ground our energy. I once struggled with symptoms of brain fog, difficulty focusing, memory issues and shattered energy. I always thought I would have to deal with these bothersome symptoms but it turns out by working with Stones I learned all the nessesary skills to feel present in my own body while still being able to access the Spirit World whenever needed.

Our culture has diagnosed many disorders that express these symptoms. I often wonder if we deepened our relationship to the natural world would we find the cure to what ails us? I certainly did and continue to find healing in nature. It is amazing what happens when we open ourselves to the voice of the natural world. All we need to come into balance surrounds us. Stones are one of the many teachers waiting to share their wisdom if we humble ourselves to hear it. 

The Practice

It’s likely you have some Stones already. And as you read this article I bet things are popping into your consciousness about your experiences with them. Things you may have written off as an overactive imagination, or insights you may have taken for granted. Bring out the Stones that you carry and ask them who they are. What lessons do they have to share with you. Talk to them. Listen and trust your feelings and intuitions. Write what you discover down in your journal. Perhaps there are story’s behind how you acquired these stones that you haven’t given much thought. Journal about these experiences and what you remember. You can also come into a meditative state and travel to the heart of the Stone to commune with its Spirit. What does it say? Write what you hear in your journal. Again, I encourage you not to over think. Just allow the stream of consciousness and see what shows up. Get to know them. Honor them. Give them gratitude. They can be powerful guides in this material world if you allow them to be. 

Calling the Stones

If you are new to stones then ask. This is the key to discovering the mysteries that are held in the natural world. When we ask, we develop a receptive state of mind that allows the wisdom to flow in. Listen from the Heart and be patient. Humans are notoriously impatient. Once you have asked, trust that you will find one another. There are Stones that want to journey with you and when you find them or they are gifted to you, you will recognize them right away. 

Most importantly is to have fun. Find the lightness of heart as you discover the world around you as if you were a child once again. Curious. Receptive. Delighted.

If you are enjoying my blog please share and like the posts! I would love to hear your Stone stories. Please share in the comments of this article. If you have questions don’t hesitate to reach out to me at You can also visit my website at to schedule your private session or see what classes I’m offering. I look forward to hearing from you! I appreciate your donations for content that is meaningful to you. You can find me on Venmo @SuryaOm and PayPal

Heal Yourself. You are Worthy.

Stagnant. Irrelevant. Expired. These are the energies I feel when I sit in meditation. Within this awareness are the signs and signals that have been coming that a time would come to rethink how we are in relationship to ourselves, the earth and one another. I believe this is where we find ourselves. Blessed are those that have been listening and heeding the Inner Guidance to rethink our lives and make much needed changes along the way. This time isn’t as disturbing or disruptive but instead validation for what we have been hearing all along.

We have been given an opportunity.

Sometimes when an imbalance in the material becomes strong it is experienced as sickness and sometimes that sickness can lead to death. We now have a choice to dive in and learn how to heal ourselves or die. Quite literally in some cases. In some indiginous traditions the direction of the North holds the cold hard truth. The dose of reality that can no longer be denied on any level because our lives are being so deeply impacted that we must pay attention and consider how we wish to proceed. We all have a choice, as we always do. Also, in the North are the teachings of our ancestors, those that have experienced suffering in the past and developed many of our modern tools in response. All of it has it’s place, however, the old ways are beckoning us to tap into that which can not be seen with the physical eyes but instead experienced through the doorway of the heart and the willingness to navigate with our inner vision. Intuition.

How are you being called to renegotiate your relationship to yourself? What tools are showing up to allow you the opportunity to vibrate higher? Is this pause helping you to see your life in a different way? What will you do with this information? I believe that the answers to these questions are vital for each of us. Are we willing to change? And if we are, how would this look in our lives? Would we create more space for family, nature, creativity, and our connection to the divine. Are we willing to allow the discomfort? Will we turn to all the same numbing distractions?

What would it take for each of us to truly step into our power? What is the ONE thing that if it shifted it would forever change the course of your life. You already know the answer. You have always known. The inner whispers have become screams to a call to action. To change.

How each of us chooses to navigate this time matters. We can choose to fear and contraction or we can choose to see the opportunity and the gift that is being presented. You are the one you have been waiting for. All the answers you seek are resting in your very own heart. We must only choose to listen and to take the necessary steps. What are you hearing?

All my love. Surya Om.

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Cleansing & Reflecting

All this cleansing has me in a reflective place. Thinking about how I've lived my life. The choices I've made. The people I've loved and what has brought meaning into my life. It's been a wonderfully sweet and gentle space. That isn't always the case with self-reflection. I'm grateful for the grace.

The first thing that comes to me as I look around is that I've filled my life with beauty. Everywhere I look in my home I see things that have meaning. I've been taught that each object I carry with me has energy and I have a relationship with that energy, they are my friends. That's why I don't own alot, but what I do own I love and care for and has meaning to me. The hands that have made these things, or gifted them to me. I'm surrounded by love.

I've known for a long time that healers are chosen by their community. One may feel called to this service but it's not up to the individual but instead appointed by those that ask for the gifts that person carries. I'm mentioning this because almost all of the tools I use in my work with people were gifted to me. People would feel an intuitive call saying "I'm not sure why, but this is for you" and I would receive the gift maybe not even knowing how to use it or what it's significance would be. This to me is another expression of love and beauty. It fills me with joy to care for these objects of power.

I'm also thinking about the relationships in my life. My life is so sweet. Quiet, calm, void of drama (except for what I create all by myself) and these connections are real and deep. They have strength, I can rely on them.

And then there is my spiritual family and those I connect within classes, workshops, private sessions and in other meaningful ways. Free Spirits Yoga has been a blessing beyond words. A powerhouse of space for true inner exploring to be done. Birthing it and caring for it always nourishes me. And then there is Radiance Yoga and the embrace that community has offered. When I take the time to truly reflect on all that I've been gifted, it's humbling.

I must also mention JVG here. I don't talk much at all about the work I do with them but it's big and powerful and teaching me how to expand my gifts in a way that is beneficial to growing companies on a corporate level. I could write alot about this but I've kept it under my hat as it is still in the developmental stages and is best kept private for now. The day will come where I share more. Corporate Healing Facilitation work, what? Yeah. It's happening.

My life may not look like much to some from the outside. I don’t own a home currently, I'm not married and I don’t have children. These things tend to be the markers of a successful life in our culture. It's difficult for some to pinpoint exactly what I do professionally. The traditional path has never been for me. It's not where my heart has led me. I've been led into spaces much less seemingly secure but yet the gifts that have come from the way I've walked my path has been experiencing a level of richness that is more valuable to me than anything else in this world. Reconciling this within myself has been the most challenging part of the journey. Self-doubt and comparison can ravage the spirit and cause more inner turmoil than I care to admit.

I sit at the Crossroads once again of a time of exponential growth. What do I want? What is meaningful to me? What qualities in those I spend my time with are important right now? How do I best practice self-love today? These questions often come with challenging answers. Ones that don't support glazing over or brushing things under. They require the ability to value my life, my energy, and my vision.

Here is to another day of being grateful to be alive in this body. Grateful for the journey of self-love that leads me to unlock the next level of wholeness. And, another day of gratitude for all those precious souls that have cherished me along the way and I have had the gift of cherishing.

Never forget, you are perfect as you are. Cherish and care for yourself. It really isn't anyone else's responsibility. We are our own healers, guides, teachers, benefactors, validators, and best friends. What we cultivate within ourselves we create around us. You want to know what someone's internal environment is like? Look closely at their life, relationships and how they spend their time. What is valuable to them is expressed in these things. We all make choices based on what is most valuable to us. Period.

What is most valuable to you? And is your life reflecting that? If not, perhaps it's time to take a closer look at where YOU lie in your priorities. Food for thought.

✨Sending Love and Light to All✨

I'm Back! Well, I never really left.

I’m back. I listened, I learned and now I have permission to move forward with teaching! I’m so excited! Its been a tough but fruitful period of time. I wasn’t sure that I would be given permission to teach again and I had come to terms with that. I feel like I broke up with my old idea of being a facilitator and now have returned with a renewed spirit and connection. During this time I faced the judgement I have had towards myself as a light worker. I wanted to abandon it all together as to not be seen as “one of those crazy woo-woo people.” So much fear and self judgement. I had to do some serious inner work. If you are a healer, teacher or facilitator of any kind and you never have taken time off I wonder who is truly driving the ship? Not really any of my business but just a thought. I made a promise to Spirit long ago that I wanted to be used for the highest good and I was willing to do what ever was necessary for that to happen. Since that oath and promise was made many toxic layers have peeled away. Insecurity, jealousy, anger about things in the past and much more. Every aspect of my life has been used to support this change. And in authentic Audrey fashion I wasn’t graceful about it in the least. Stubborn you ask? A resounding “Yes!” to that question. But to admit that isn’t to judgement myself. I am made in the likeness of creation and so there for my temperament and gifts are all part of that cosmic perfection. To be human is to be perfect in our imperfections. To learn to release judgement on ourselves and treat ourselves as we wish to be treated. In order to do what I have been put here to do I must learn these lessons in relationship to myself. One can never hold space for others to learn some they themselves haven’t not yeti experienced. It’s just a matter of fact. The facilitator is only as potent as the facilitation they have offered themselves.

With all that being said, I look forward to this rebirth. I’ve been calling this time my Renaissance. Keep a look out for upcoming events that will expand beyond yoga and reiki but also include art and cultural events. As I am gifted permission to hold space for larger and larger events I will be sharing these all here.

Much Love and Gratitude for All!

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©2016 Audrey McNamara Sheldon