Inner Guide Apprenticeship Program
Facilitated By Audrey MacNamara Sheldon
I am so excited to be offering The Inner Guide Apprenticeship Program once again. This is a program designed to inspire, challenge, transform and lead the participant to tools and experiences that initiate the intentional journey to the Inner Guide. What that means is for each participant to discover for themselves. An experience of direct revelation. Indisputable. This is a process to discover the inner mystic that has been there all along waiting patiently. Those interested in developing themselves for the purpose of serving their family, community and the world will be offered the opportunity to explore and develop the necessary tools to begin this journey from a safe and informed place based on personal knowing.
~Audrey Surya Om
Photo Credit: Brandi Thompson Scott
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your’ playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. "
This program will be facilitated primarily online in a private Facebook Group broken down into monthly units and on Zoom. Units of study and connection will be offered on a monthly basis. Participants will also have private 1v1 opportunities with Audrey during the year of study to deepen into individualized needs. Gatherings will happen via Zoom no less than 2x a month. This program is uniquely tailored to allow each individual's gifts to shine through in all aspects of life as well as encourage them to be shared with the group. At the heart of this training is the cultivation of our relationship with Reiki, the Drum, the Holy Science of Yoga, learning from nature, ancestors and the Magic of working collectively. Each participant can expect to deepen their understanding of their contribution to the healing of our local and global community. Understanding that each student is also a contributor and without the input, participation, and financial backing, the program wouldn't be possible. One must only have the authentic desire to dive deeply into the sea of Truth and wish to learn a sacred and beautiful way to assist others to do the same.
Qualities Required For Success In This Program:
Receptivity, Willingness to Collaborate, Willingness to Take Full Responsibility for Your actions and manifestations, Willingness to Discover Who You Really Are, Being able to be comfortable with being uncomfortable, Reciprocal Energy Exchange, Flexibility, Confidentiality, Ability to Trust the Process, Honest Respectful Communication, and a Willingness to Develop Co-Creative Relationships. It is very important that each participant come with an open heart and mind. This will be an intuitive and organically structured experience.
Full Tuition: $150 per month = $1,800 Total Investment payable by the 5th of each month via venmo @SuryaOm or PayPal
OR: $1,550 for those that wish to pay prior to the beginning the program $250 Saving
There will be additional costs for books and drum making materials. A book list will be sent to the student once registration is complete.
***Students are responsible for all payments of all weekends even if the weekend is missed. Payment arrangements are to be made with Audrey accordingly. There will be no refunds for training costs. No student is ever turned away for financial reasons.
In this training we will cover the following:
Certifications And Skills
The drum will be at the center of this entire training. If you already have a drum, great!! If not I would be happy to talk to you about purchasing a traditional frame drum or making your own.
Inner Guide Reiki I, II & Master Certifications are included in your year of study.
Deepening our personal practice - meditation, breathwork, and other awareness practices.
Developing our relationship with Natural Teachers - Plants, Stones & Animals.
Power of Gratitude
Working with Ceremony and Ritual for Personal and Community Healing
Developing our relationship with the Elements
Exploring Dreaming and Meditation
Spiritual Ethics for Practitioners and Facilitators
Developing Safe and Sacred Community
Working with the Clan Mothers
Working with Sacred Songs
“What you seek is seeking you.
— Rumi
This program is a comprehensive immersion program. It is powerful, fun, and can be life-changing. The bonds that are made in the circle between the students are often ones that can last a lifetime. This information is appropriate for any and all who feel led to its call. How it will transform each individual's life through its use is the journey. Please consider this seriously and join us as we take this Road Together for the betterment and healing of ALL!
It’s hard to put into words what I’ve seen as far as changes. There have been so many. What comes to me most significantly is that as a student, what I look for in a teacher is someone who has integrity. Do the teacher’s words match their actions? Do they practice what they teach? Are they REAL, and honest in their actions and consistent in their intentions? Do they act in a way that encourages strength and independence and assurance in their students, interdependence instead of dependence? Audrey has measured up to ALL of those. She has integrity. Her words match her actions. She practices what she teaches. She’s REAL and honest with her actions as well as consistent with her intentions. She encourages strength and independence and self assurance in her students.
— RTS student
In my case, I also wanted to see if what a teacher channeled or said, if the guidance they gave, truly measured up over time into something REAL. That is also true with Audrey. I listen when she speaks, not blindly but with a critical ear, and when I examine it (which I do - up one way and down the other) there is ALWAYS something worthwhile in what she says. I also care about how information is delivered; is it given with freedom for the student to find it in themselves; to gauge, in their own being, if what is being given is something THEY truly resonate with, is the student given room to hear their own voice? In Audrey’s classes, always the answer is: YES!
— RTS student
When I sit down with Audrey in a class, I know I’ll always walk away with something valuable, something I can take and run with, something that I can utilize not only for the moment but years down the line. Deeply nourishing core practices that will allow me to branch and grow in good ways that help me build a strong foundation from which good things can be brought into manifestation in ALL AREAS of my life. Audrey isn’t giving information that will become outdated, she’s helping people truly LIVE, providing balanced ways to navigate, having feet in both worlds.
— VB
“I can’t think of a word that covers this—breadth (possibly) of what you are offering me is hitting me like a ton of bricks. Maybe one day, I can tell you how divinely guided this is ...I don’t even think I fully understand the full blessing that is taking place at this moment, I will one day. When I do, I promise to disclose all of it to you. I just don’t want to simplify something of such magnitude prematurely when I know this, is just the tip of this blessing. ”
The Inner Guide Apprenticeship Program provides a safe space to open up to your internal restrictions. In a world where we are taught to just push though, I have felt such a release in being able to check in with the other participants. Sharing my stories and hearing others is medicinal
The program modules are initiatively based and spiritually balanced. Priming your mind and body for a deeper connection. The outline allows you to take in as little or as much as you need. Giving you the ability to learn how to listen to what you truly need and to trust the process to get there.
Under the guidance of Audrey Sheldon, I am rediscovering my power. Finding calmness in discomfort and learning to sit with what shows up has been life changing.
I have so much gratitude for the experience and love Audrey offers. She holds the space and gives you the opportunity to embody the life you are worthy of creating.
Jennifer Talton